Wednesday, November 08, 2006

• Days of our lives •

Ever got up in the morning and suddenly felt like it's gonna be a shitty day. Well almost every now and then i have those mornings. But still I've tried not to think about it so much. One way I could overcome this days is by relying on the 90/10 Principle. If you don't know what it is, It's an article that you should havebeen googling right about now. Anyways there is always things that is left in my mind everytime I call it a day. Was I productive this day? If not how could I make it up tomorrow. Or maybe I have done something destructive? And if so how can I fix it. So to sum it all up your day is not define on how you have started it. But on how your decision making lead you into ending it and persevering it everyday for the rest of your life.


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