Tuesday, November 07, 2006

• SCUBA Diving •

I just recently took up the hobby of recreational diving and im lovin it. At first I was kinda scared because i was so excited if maybe there would be some kind of shark attack or something. I'm not scared of a shark attack mind you. I was scared for the fact that why the hell am I excited about it. Well anyway back to the topic I found out that the reason of why you need air to go underwater is because that when your down there, the scenery just is Breathtaking *means beautiful*. Oh probably also because without air underwater you'll probably have a horrible horrible death by drowning.

The Actual Dive. Held by batch .

Snorkeling at Coral Garden.

On Deck with the Dive Master.

Anyway underwater i was able to see many fishes and corals. I was able to touch a clown fish while it was lollygagging in a anemonae. And also many kinds of wierd thingies that gives me second thought if whether i should touch it with my ungloved hands. Plus it really is cool to try out new stuff. Go and ask yourself "When was the Last time you did something for the first time".It really is a wonderful experience and should be in your list of "Things to do before I Die". If your in Davao you could join to the wind and wave DIVE 101 session. The dive masters are real friendly and you will be properly accomodated. I''l probably join again this week for my 3rd Dive. I really should get paid for this endorsement though. Peace out


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