Sunday, July 22, 2007

• Life Update •

Wow its already Mid-July a lot has happened since my last post. Well the most significant change that happened was that now Im back to Davao again. I just transfered school from GFI and to UIC. Even though its a new workplace I have no problem adjusting cause I have spent four years there and have already known some people. Also I have enrolled in the Graduate School so Im am now back as being a student........ Another shocking decision made by Mr. Go... *sigh* I hope I could pull this one through. And my Birthday had just past but no biggy theres still a lot coming.
• The Revival •

CLEAR *BUZZZZZZ*...........

.....Beep.. Beep... Beep

Good news Mr. Go your Blog is still alive.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

• Days of our lives •

Ever got up in the morning and suddenly felt like it's gonna be a shitty day. Well almost every now and then i have those mornings. But still I've tried not to think about it so much. One way I could overcome this days is by relying on the 90/10 Principle. If you don't know what it is, It's an article that you should havebeen googling right about now. Anyways there is always things that is left in my mind everytime I call it a day. Was I productive this day? If not how could I make it up tomorrow. Or maybe I have done something destructive? And if so how can I fix it. So to sum it all up your day is not define on how you have started it. But on how your decision making lead you into ending it and persevering it everyday for the rest of your life.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

• I Will not Yield •

Anak ng...... Life can sometimes be funny as hell that sometimes it plays practical jokes on you. Hi its me again its now November and I am now my 2nd semester...... Of studying you say?.... Im afraid not. It is now my 2nd semester of being an Educator. Yup I still can't bring it up to my system that I am now a Mind Molder. Because not too long ago I was still the student. But due to the constant revolving of the Earth to the Sun, It came to the point that those people who I have considered as "THE ENEMY" on my Student days would have now become as "THE ALLIES".
• SCUBA Diving •

I just recently took up the hobby of recreational diving and im lovin it. At first I was kinda scared because i was so excited if maybe there would be some kind of shark attack or something. I'm not scared of a shark attack mind you. I was scared for the fact that why the hell am I excited about it. Well anyway back to the topic I found out that the reason of why you need air to go underwater is because that when your down there, the scenery just is Breathtaking *means beautiful*. Oh probably also because without air underwater you'll probably have a horrible horrible death by drowning.

The Actual Dive. Held by batch .

Snorkeling at Coral Garden.

On Deck with the Dive Master.

Anyway underwater i was able to see many fishes and corals. I was able to touch a clown fish while it was lollygagging in a anemonae. And also many kinds of wierd thingies that gives me second thought if whether i should touch it with my ungloved hands. Plus it really is cool to try out new stuff. Go and ask yourself "When was the Last time you did something for the first time".It really is a wonderful experience and should be in your list of "Things to do before I Die". If your in Davao you could join to the wind and wave DIVE 101 session. The dive masters are real friendly and you will be properly accomodated. I''l probably join again this week for my 3rd Dive. I really should get paid for this endorsement though. Peace out

• Welcome to my Junkyard! •

Welcome to my junkyard. This is where i will throw my random thoughts about the world and anything about it.